
It seems to me that the UDC and the dbpedia OWL ontology are rather 
diferent kinds of models. Like the Unesco ( 
glossary, UDC it a taxonomy of knowledge fields (a very good one indeed) 
and not a well defined ontology. In most places, the branches of the 
fields and not really their subclasses but their parts, forming a complex 
mereology. Please remember the broader-narrower relation in SKOS is not 
transitive and is not meant to mean subclassing as we do with owl:Class 
and rdfs:subClassOf. Common language may be misleading: a cardiologist (a 
role, never a subclass of person) is a specialization of doctor (Arzt, 
medécin, a more general role), but Cardiology is a branch (part--of), not 
a specialization, of Medicine. 

Maybe Wikipedia would gain in aligning its articles with their 
classification system, but I do not see how it would help dbpedia. 

Also, the level of detail provided would be unbearable. Since dbpedia 
information is extracted from a BOK that is written without knowledge of 
dbpedia classes, its structure should be kept as simple as possible to 
maintain logical consistency. Although I think some very basic important 
distinctions are missing (e.g. perdurant vs. endurant,  geopolitical 
entity vs. spatial place), the full use of a base ontology like DOLCE 
would be equally problematic because of its inherent complexity. 

Best regards,
Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral

De:     "Kuys, Gerard" <>
Para:   Vladimir Alexiev <>, 
<>, 'Monika Solanki' 
Data:   2016-01-06 06:39
Assunto:        Re: [Dbpedia-discussion] Aligning DBpedia ontology with 
the UDC

Hi Vladimir,

Thanks for your remarks. I'll address them in a couple of days.

Kind regards,


Van: Vladimir Alexiev <>
Verzonden: dinsdag 5 januari 2016 11:38
Aan: Kuys, Gerard;; 'Monika 
Onderwerp: RE: Aligning DBpedia ontology with the UDC

I looked at and still don't understand your

1. UDC allows you to express e.g. this:
159.96 Special mental states and processes
61=030.161.1=133.1 Medical documents translated from Russian into French
What DBpedia classes would this correspond to?

2. UDC has areas of study, but not specific objects. E.g. you have
737  Numismatics
But don't have "coin" vs "hoard" vs e.g. "medal"

3. You have a huge number of classes that don't correspond to objects, eg
581.1  Plant physiology
581.8  Plant histology
581.5  Habits of plants. Plant behaviour. Plant ecology. Plant ethology. 
plant and its environment. Bionomics of plan
These would just add parasitic weight to a mapping.

The different kinds of plants are under 582.32/.998  Plantae (plants) (I
guess the complete Tree of Life can be found in UDC, as it can in Wikidata
project Taxonomy)

4. You have a good classification of sports under
79  Recreation. Entertainment. Games. Sport
And more specifically under
796  Sport. Games. Physical exercises
But afaik, you don't have a class SportsTeam, let alone specifics such as
BaseballTeam vs SoccerTeam

As you say, UDC is for classification of works, most of all on paper 
articles, papers).
IMHO it's not for classification of objects.

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