I would like to extract page links (internal wiki links) from the last
wikipedia dump.

I can see dumps at dbpedia, but the last one available (English) at mirror
site are of September 2014, and using the wiki dump of June if I remember

If I would like to run a page link extractor by myself on the last
*synced *dbdump,
what could I do ?

I tried to download:


but I wouldn't like to install also virtuoso, I only would like to parse it.

Could you please give instruction for using the extractor framework to
extract page links en of last dump (current and up-to-date with last wiki
dump ) of wikipedia? (I am here assuming the dump to use is .vos.db
 gathered from dbpedia-lilve-mirror).

Is there some tool in python too?

Any step by step tutorial to obtain the dumps as in the distribution at
dbpedia or mirroring universities?

Thank you!!

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