Hi there,

Firstly, allow me to thank you for your wonderful resource.

Secondly, I was wondering if you could help with the following:

I'm producing a feature film using the original 16 mm. footage and 8-track
sound shot and recorded at the Festival Express concert tour of Canada in
1970 (our director, Bob Smeaton, has won 2 Grammy Awards, for the Beatles
Anthology; and for Hendrix: Band Of Gypsies). The Dead performances are
generally pretty well covered, but there are a few gaps here and there in
picture and sound, so we're trying to track down every additional resource
we can find.

I noticed on resourcesfortraders.com that the following Dead shows were
recorded, though the tapes seem to be out of circulation:

06/27/70 - Canadian National Exhibition Hall, Toronto, Canada
Not in circulation

06/28/70 - Coronation Park, Toronto, Canada
Not in circulation

07/01/70 - Fairgrounds, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Not in circulation

07/03/70 - McMahon Stadium, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Not in circulation

- thus I was wondering if you might have an idea about whom I could contact
to try to find copies of these tapes.

Just for your information, I've attached a brief info sheet about the film
(as a word document), which I hope may be of interest. Any help you might be
able to give in tracking these recordings would be enormously appreciated.

(Obviously, any commercial use of such materials wwould have to be properly
licensed, so please rest assured that the film is being produced in a
completely legitimate and above-board fashion, and that all the necessary
licenses are being obtained).

Thank you very kindly in advance,

Best regards,

Gavin Poolman

Apollo Films Ltd.
15 Lindfield Gardens
London NW3 6PX
United Kingdom
tel/ fax 4420 7794-1598

Attachment: Final Info Sheet.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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