I almost never do this kind of thing, but, both of these companies have
acted poorly....

My burner started acting up, so I contacted the manufacturer, HP, to see
what they said. The tech support guy was very cool, and said that they would
replace it.  He transferred me to the warehouse to get the ball rolling.
Both people I talked to told me that they need the receipt.  I am in the
system, but they said that this is "hearsay." I can't find it, but the
product was replaced right after I bought it back in August '01 (would not
read or write).  I tried to talk to these people, but, the woman in the
warehouse flat out told me that she would not replace the burner without a
receipt.  My wife is dealing with this now - as I am exhausted after a long
graveyard shift - and she is good at changing people's minds, but, I don't
have very high hopes.  Due to HP's crappy system....


They have been less than helpful when I asked for help for my sound card. A
couple people were down right rude when and gave me false names (one guy
must have thought that I was stupid... he gave me his name as "Dre";  this
was supposedly a supervisor).  Their customer support sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, here's another place to avoid:
Mail Boxes etc.  As some of you may remember, my boss' son is deployed for
the war effort.  His wife went to MB etc to send a package out to him.  The
person behind the counter (the manager) told her that she needed to know
what country her husband was in to send the package.  She did not know (for
security reasons), but had the typical APO Zip Code which is all you need to
send a package for military stationed OCONUS (outside cont. U.S.).  The
manager belittled Brandy and actually drove the poor girl to tears.  Is this
the type of business that want to use?  A place where supervisors belittle
customers - especially a spouse of a deployed military member, who is in
harm's way.  I sure will never darken their door for any reason, and I ask
that those of you who do have occasion to deal with these people, to go
somewhere else...

Again, let me reiterate, I rarely speak out for or against any company as a
whole (other than critiquing their product).


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