
I am writting to request that you make corrections to your listings of the
02/70 Fillmore East runs.  There were NO early shows during that run.  I
have been in contact with Bear, the Dead's soundman at this time, and he
positively confirms this.

I do not know what gigs the material currently listed as 02/11/70 Early,
02/13/70 Early, and 02/14/70 Early belong to, but they are certainly NOT
currently correct, because there were no early shows during this run.  He
also confirms that there were no gigs played at other venues (such as
Ugano's) during this run as well.

If anyone has any real proof to the contrary, I would be very interested in
seeing it.  Including this alleged ad in the Village Voice for the Ugano's

Thank you,

Christopher Paino

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