Sigh. Not this again.

1. The Fillmore East's printed program for this run clearly states 
starting times and prices for early and late shows. I have held one 
in my hands and read it cover to cover.

2. Bear also says that he can see sound waves

3. Bear also says that a diet of 100% red meat is good for you

4. Bear also says a lot of things.

Can we end this now?

At 9:31 AM -1000 3/8/02, Paino, Christopher L YN1(AW) (CPF N0084) wrote:
>I am writting to request that you make corrections to your listings of the
>02/70 Fillmore East runs.  There were NO early shows during that run.  I
>have been in contact with Bear, the Dead's soundman at this time, and he
>positively confirms this.
>I do not know what gigs the material currently listed as 02/11/70 Early,
>02/13/70 Early, and 02/14/70 Early belong to, but they are certainly NOT
>currently correct, because there were no early shows during this run.  He
>also confirms that there were no gigs played at other venues (such as
>Ugano's) during this run as well.
>If anyone has any real proof to the contrary, I would be very interested in
>seeing it.  Including this alleged ad in the Village Voice for the Ugano's
>Thank you,
>Christopher Paino

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