I think what he means by this is the time during which the band only played
the first vocal part and when they next played the reprise.  This could have
lasted for much of the eighties, maybe.

> From: Jeff Lester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 16:15:51 -0800 (PST)
> Subject: Re: The 11 year Playing in the Band
> "Henoch, Alex F" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >In talking with a friend he mentioned to me about the "11 year Playing in
> >the Band". This is the first time I had ever heard about it and I am
> >interested in the dates of the shows that start and finish the "11 year
> >Playing in the Band". I'm one of those guys who loves this weird stuff.
> I think he's whacked. :-)
> BTW, I've been talking to Tim Buller about taking over '74, since people
> keep pointing out this and that '74 show now circulates as SBD (don't they
> all :-) and the year could use a little attention.
> - -Jeff Lester

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