Someone asked last week why all the errant messages from deadlists.

A couple of people wrote back that it is coming from everywhere--kind of a
quick excuse that there is nothing wrong with the server or list protocol or

But that is not my experience.

I subscribe to 5 lists, and this is the *only* one that sends out error
messages numerous times each week.  It is the only one that repeatedly sends
out junk mail from the same addresses.  And it is the only one that sends
out obvious virus-laden messages as well.

I know nothing about the administration of the server--if it is the main
computer at UC-Berkeley, I'm not certain why these messages would pass
through the server (they do not make it that far on our campus).

I think it would be good for everyone here if the folks in charge of
administration of the list would block the addresses that have the spam (I
don't need repair for my electrical equipment, or whatever that is that has
been coming through the last month), that obviously are misdirected (I can't
read chinese, anyway!), and that have virus attachments.


ray hutchison

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