A belated comment as I've been away. Ihor seems spot-on with his
explanations. But I think it is "nitties" not "knitties" - I picked up this
from somewhere:

"Box back nitties are those long flannel underwear with the flap in the back
for, well, you know :) For an example, see Michael Landon in Little House On
The Prairie."

There was a also a quote from Garcia (originally I think in the 1993
Golden Road annual):

"I have no idea where he [Pigpen] picked up most of that stuff. Some of it
was bits and pieces of lyrics from old tunes that he'd pick up and then he'd
extrapolate. But, like, I have no idea where he got that thing he used to
sing [during "Lovelight"]:'She got box back nitties and great big noble
thighs, working undercover with a boar hog's eye.' Don't ask me--I don't
know what the fuck that's all about! It's some weird mojo shit or something.
But he could always pull that stuff out.He could do that as long as I knew
him. When he was on, he was amazing."

Alex Allan

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