ATTENTION: Ben Brewer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and/or anyone interested in 
semi-anal retentive correctness in GD Family setlists...

Hey Now!

Listening to the fine show 12-28-91 in Oakland.  First Same Thing in nearly 
20 years, a very nice SOTM, crowd lovin' it, Jerry really into it and not 
messing up, show opens with Saturday Night and 2nd Set closes with, and here 
is where setlist correction #1 needs, in my opinion, to be made - 2nd set 
closes with: One More Saturday Night Reprise... only time a Dead show 
featured OMSN twice, well, sort of twice.

ALSO - Standing On The Moon most certainly does NOT go into -> Throwing 
Stones, repeat, NO into.

AND - Throwing Stones certainly DOES qualify for going into -> One More 
Saturday Night Reprise.

Three Corrections.  Will they be made?  Who knows.  Maybe.  But then again 
maybe not.  I guess we shall see.  In any case, happy to help!

Peace, Good Fortune, Good Health, Love, & Happiness,

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