Richard, I have been doing a some digging locally on this show and have
posted my results at -
It was actually written up in the Buffalo news a couple of weeks ago.
There's a reprint of the article on my homepage. I actually received a
number or responses to it from people that were there but they didn't shed
any new light on this event.

According to Bear, the show was not taped (he would have but he was confined
to the state of California for the New Orleans bust). I've given up on
finding a recording, I highly doubt there is one since it can be very
difficult to record an Orchestra because of payment scales and rights and
stuff (see Zappa's autobiography) but I'm still trying to find at least one
picture of the event.

If you find anything else out or if anyone here can share any more info,
please let me know.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Newman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 9:40 AM
Subject: The Coolest Dead Show No-One Seems to Have HEARD?

> Does anyone have any info on the Dead's 3/17/70 jam with the Bflo.
> Philharmonic Orchestra and Lukas Foss? Anyone dare record that? I heard
> it was supposed to be a multi-hour jam, with two bands, etc... and I
> know of Phil Lesh's recollections of it. But is there more out there?
> I'd appreciate it.... RN in Buffalo
> This is not a tape/CD request, because I know to use the Resources for
> Traders site for that.

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