This one is out and about and is pretty damn cool!  Really gives you a look at what would eventually be known as Recon. Its an aud tape, not the best, but certainly a keeper for sure. I'm sure it will get repeated listens, it does at my house. Its worth it for the "So What" alone, which is off the hook! It circulates as:
Merl Saunders Band, with special guest Jerry Garcia. Master audience tape (unknown mics, unknown deck, taped by A. Tsukada) > unknown analog generations > CD > Samsung SW-232B extraction (EAC v0.9 beta 4) > tracking (CD Wave) > sector boundary verification (shntool v1.01) > .shn encoding (mkwACT v0.97 beta 1)  
peace steve
I was looking up a JGB setlist when I stumbled across the JerrySite entry for
the Merle Saunders Band show at Shady Grove in San Francisco on October 3,
1978.  I love the Legion of Mary and Reconstruction bands so I found this
intriguing, since I know of no other Jerry & Merle shows in the three years between
those two projects. Was anyone there who can share recollections?   Does this
show circulate in any form? 


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