kevin wrote:
> I've been wanting to add rehearsals to the database (along with
> cancelled/rescheduled dates) with a mechanism in place to filter the listing
> type for those who don't want to view/search them with the regular set
> lists.

obviously the data spec should be altered without cause, but I think this
is an important and worthy piece of metadata.  a new database field
TYPE (or PERFORMANCE) would do the trick:

    TYPE: Rehearsal
    TYPE: Soundcheck
    TYPE: Studio      (for album recording sessions, outtakes,etc.)
    TYPE: Public      (for regular public performances)

the field does not need to exist in every record, in which case the
default is to assume "Public".

you could also have  TYPE: Television  and  TYPE: Radio  or just
include them under Studio.

you could also have  TYPE: Private  to differentiate non-public
performances, like the 12/6/80 benefit at the Mill Valley Rec Ctr.

- jfw

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