It appears that we have established 

that the tape circulating labeled "Hells Angels Benefit, Anderson Theater,
NYC 11/23/70" cannot possibly be from that date

and the strong likelihood that this tape in fact comes from Fillmore East
11/16/70, mastered by the same people who gave us the surreptitious masters
of 2/11, 13 &14/70, 5/15/70, and 9/18-19-20/70.

Two questions now come to mind:

How did this tape get into circulation mislabled in the first place, from
the mid 70s at the latest?

Where is the rest of 9/18/70 and 9/19/70?

Note that the other 1970 surreptitious SBDs were in circulation properly
labeled from very early on.  3/5s of 5/15/70 was broadcast on KPFA on
6/21/71; this was probably Allan Mande's doing.

Large parts of the February shows and 9/20/70 have also always circulated,
whereas the hour-long portions of SBD we have for 9/18/ & 9/19/70 only came
into circulation in the 90s.  Where is the rest of these shows?

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