I apologize if this comes late in the discussion, but the message below has been the only one I've received via the digest. (v4 #186)

Dave, Ray:

Can you please provide more detail?

It was suggested to me a while ago that John Cipollina was a participant on this night by someone who thought a jam found on a circulating Quicksilver recording was the same as parts 2+3 of the jam on 6/19/68 disc 2. I confirmed that when I made a copy for a friend this past October. (see etree listing comments).

Can you provide background on the event and/or some of the additional information you were given? It's such a peculiar show I'd like to know more?

I suspect you must have been a witness. Do you know if anyone else participated in the jam -- or who's involved in the group chant, for that matter?

Thanks a lot.

At 02:48 PM 1/20/04, you wrote:
Ray -

Yes thanks.  I had already recieved the info about Cipollina being on
this recording from Erik Frey, but I don't think anyone has mentioned
Gary Duncan yet.

This does need to go into the 1968 listings - along with a bunch of
other stuff.

Dave S.

Ray wrote: > Hello, > Guest guitarists are:John Cipollina and Gary Duncan. > Peace, > Ray >

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