Hello All.  About 4 years or so ago I was fortunate enough to acquire a number of Mike Goetz' cassette copies of Dead shows when he divested himself of his analog collection.  This evening I was listening to the 2-21-73 copy, which is labeled SBD/1, and noticed something for the first time.  Around & Around ends and Jerry then does some light noodling for a few seconds, and then weaves into China Cat.  There is no break in the tape of any kind I can detect in this sequence, and I relistened carefully with the headset on to double check.  In addition, after I Know You Rider completely ends, you can hear about a second or so of break in the tape on this copy before Jack Straw is about to begin.  This matter strikes me as curious, given that Deadlists, as well as Mr. Goetz' j-card of this show refllects Around & Around ending set one, and China>Rider beginning set two.  Does anyone out there have an audience copy, or some other source, which confirms that Around & Around in fact ends set one and not China>Rider, and/or that China>Rider in fact begins set two and not Jack Straw?  
Joe Hodges


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