> First of all, Thank you very much for your reply


> This can only work if you know that the maximum is attained at one of the 
> support_points
> of your FiniteElement. In general, you can use 
> VectorTools::integrate_difference to find a good approximation
> to the maximum value of your solution. 
As long as I know, std::max_element is the way to get the location of 
maximum value in the vector.
I used this to get solution_max(maximum value of solution)

> I don't quite understand this line. Does right_hand_side.value really take 
> three arguments? 
> How does this resemble x*solution+solution_max/y?
I defined Function for right_hand_side.

template <int dim>
double RightHandSide<dim>::value (const Point<dim> &p,
 const double psi,
 const double psi_max,
                                  const unsigned int /*component*/) const
     double rhs;
     rhs = p(0)*psi+psi_max/p(1);
     return rhs;

In this function p(0) is x, p(1) is y, psi is solution and psi_max is *max

>> In principle, your approach looks good. You can have a look at the 
> implementation of VectorTools::project for improving this.
I also considered this Tools....

void VectorTools::project ( const Mapping 
<https://www.dealii.org/developer/doxygen/deal.II/classMapping.html>< dim, 
spacedim > &  mapping,
const DoFHandler 
dim, spacedim > &  dof,
const ConstraintMatrix 
 &  constraints,
const Quadrature 
dim > &  quadrature,
const Function 
spacedim, typename VectorType::value_type > &  function,
VectorType &  vec,
const bool  enforce_zero_boundary = false,
const Quadrature 
dim-1 > &  q_boundary = (dim > 1?QGauss 
< dim-1 >(2):Quadrature 
< dim-1 >(0)),
const bool  project_to_boundary_first = false 

But the problem is that I don't know how to input *max(maximum value of 
solution) and solution in
const Function 
spacedim, typename VectorType::value_type > &  function,

> Why would you think that what you are doing is extremely inefficient?
As you know, I have used sol_tmp that is local vector of solution(global 

But I think If I can use solution(global vector)  and position(x and y) 
directly to calculate J_tor I don't need to use setup_Jtor, assemble_Jtor 
and solve_Jtor.(i.e. I don't need to make linear system)

 I wonder if there is way to use global vector directly to calculate J_tor.

Thank you.


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