
2017-08-23 20:09 GMT-04:00 Chih-Che Chueh <>:
> That's still not working with getting the same error. Is this just because
> it can't find the BLAS and LAPACK libraies?
Did you reconfigure Trilinos in an empty directory? If not do it, you
never know what has been cached by CMake...

The problem with MKL is that instead of having one or two libraries,
they have split BLAS and LAPACK into a bunch of small libraries and
you need to find which libraries you need to include. You can use this
website to help you:
Look at the libraries that are needed at linking time and add them to

> By the way, before I installed the trilinos, I module load many things:
> [chueh@icy]$ module load intel/comp-15.0.0
> [chueh@icy]$ module load intel/mkl-11.1.2
> [chueh@icy]$ module load openmpi-1.6.5/intel-15.0
Maybe pgi was a better idea :-D There are two problems with intel 15:
  1) we don't test deal.II with intel15 so I am not sure if it will
works but I guess it should work
  2) the big problem is how are you going to use CUDA? I didn't know
that nvcc supported icc but apparently it kinda does but it looks
pretty bad
For your information, deal now requires C++11 so it won't work. Don't
you have gcc 5 on your machine?

> [chueh@icy ~]$ module av
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> /work2/opt/Modules/modulefiles
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> cmake/3.9.1                    hdf5/gcc-4.4.6_1.8.14
> intel/comp-15.0                module-git
> ncl_ncarg/6.3.0                netcdf/hdf5_pgi-15.1_4.3.3.1
> pgi/15.10/x86_64
> dot                            hdf5/intel-15.0_1.10.0
> intel/comp-15.0.0              module-info
> netcdf/hdf5_gnu_4.3.3.1        null                           pgi_mpi/15.10
> grads/2.0.2                    hdf5/intel-15.0_1.8.14         intel/mkl-11.1
> modules                        netcdf/hdf5_intel-15.0_4.3.3.1
> opengrads/2.0.2.oga.2          python/3.5.3
> grads/2.1.a3                   hdf5/pgi-15.1_1.8.14
> intel/mkl-11.1.2               ncl_ncarg/6.1.2
> netcdf/hdf5_intel-15.0_4.4.1.1 openmpi-1.6.5/intel-15.0       use.own
Are these all the modules that are available to you :-( Ideally, you
have something like openmpi/gcc5 (gcc 4.8 or 4.9 would also work not 6
or later because they are not compatible with CUDA8). Now your problem
is that pgi-15 is probably too old to be useful for C++ code and
intel-15 does not work well with cuda. Personally, I would compile my
own gcc 5.4. It's actually pretty easy because you only need C++ and
C. You should _not_ compile support for the other languages. Then, you
load openmpi-1.6.5/intel-15.0 and use this
to change the underlying compiler from intel to gcc 5. What I am
wondering is where is your CUDA module? How do you call nvcc? If you
want to use gcc 5 as the underlying compiler, you will need to do this



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