Hi Jean-Paul,

thanks for you detailed answer. You described excatly what I want to do.  
And I guess what is working for a finite deformation framework, works also 
for the case of small strains.
The main goal for me is still is to apply a prescribed marcoscopic stress 
But it is always better to be able to choose from different boundary 
condtions. So first I want to add the prescribed strain setting BC. And it 
should also be much easier to implement.

As I already described my first idea was also to extend/modify the 
DoFTools::make_periodicity_constraints() functionality by adding some 
displacement offsets to the constraints. But as I discovered today the 
documenation is not too comprehensive about the used  parameters (eg. is 
the matrix a general transformation matrix or only for a rotation? Or what 
does the *first_vector_components* parameter?). And also the internal 
implemtation is not this striaghtforward as I thought. So I would be happy 
if you can share some working code with me. If I am able to add some 
feature to the library in the end, I like to give something back to this 
project by adding some functionality for other users.

The the second problem, the prepresibed stress tensor, I would also solve. 
But as I wrote, and you confimerd, this seems not to easy. As I hoped you 
gave me some insight how to solve such a problem. But I was hoping that 
there is a simple soulution in deal.II... 
But from you experience I guess that a Lagrange multipler approach is 
perhaps a more general  and robust approach, which works also with possible 
nonlinearity added later.

But first things first, so I try to add a macroscopic strain case, glady 
with the help of your code, and have a deeper look in Miehe's work (I think 
I had already a quick look in the referred paper, but was overwhelmed. 
Often finite deformations look too complicated for small strains)


Am Montag, 10. Februar 2020 22:38:50 UTC+1 schrieb Jean-Paul Pelteret:
> Hi Lukas,
> If I’ve interpreted your emails correctly, you’ve mentioned two distinct 
> things here, namely (1) the imposition of periodic displacement fluctuation 
> field (thereby, in essence, prescribing a macroscopic average deformation 
> gradient, with stress unknown) or (2) the imposition of a macroscopic 
> stress condition through anti-periodic tractions (with deformation gradient 
> unknown). It would seem to me that when you impose the one you implicitly 
> end up imposing the other.
> I’ve got a little bit of experience with topic, but only from finite 
> strain mechanics. So I’m going to lay out a few things coming a 
> finite-deformation perspective. There’s a very nice set of papers by Miehe 
> that discusses various methods to impose such conditions for the elasticity 
> problem. The main work of interest might be this one:
> C. Miehe. Computational micro-to-macro transitions for discretized 
> micro-structures of hetero- geneous materials at finite strains based on 
> the minimization of averaged incremental energy. Computer Methods in 
> Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 192(5–6):559–591, January 2003. DOI: 
> 10.1016/s0045- 7825(02)00564- 9. 
> I’ve implemented a set of functions that, as Miehe describes, sets up a 
> periodicity frame and defines a set of constraints to satisfy (1) by 
> imposing that [[u]] = \bar{\Grad u} [[X]] where \bar{\Grad u} is the 
> macroscopic displacement gradient, and u and X are the microscopic 
> displacement and position vectors, respectively. I’d be happy to share this 
> with you if you’d like. To be honest though, although I rigorously followed 
> Miehe’s approach for this as an educational exercise, one could simply 
> amend our existing DoFTools::make_periodicity_constraints() function to 
> include the necessary inhomogeneity (specifically, \bar{\Grad u} [[X]]) and 
> an additional set of constraints to remove the rigid body motions. Its on 
> my to-do list to add this to the library, but if its something that you’d 
> like to try to add to the library yourself, then I’d be happy to try to 
> help you with that.
> As for option (2), I’m afraid that I’ve not been able to give much thought 
> to the details that you laid out in your original email and how it all fits 
> together. I’m sure that it’s possible to do in the way that you’ve 
> expressed (since the stress and strain are linearly related), but it seems 
> like a real pain to have to deal with the additional tensor-valued DoFs. 
> What I can tell you is two methods that myself and one of my colleagues 
> have used to impose such conditions (for non-linear problems, where there 
> are not necessarily such nice ways to express and exploit the stress-strain 
> relation). The first is to solve a global problem that equilibrate the 
> homogenised stress and the (imposed) macroscopic stress. This is relatively 
> straight-forward, but one does need to solve the boundary value problem 
> within some global iterative scheme, and one also needs to compute the 
> (algorithmically consistent) tangent stiffness matrix. The second approach, 
> which my colleague has had a lot of success with, is simply using Lagrange 
> multipliers to impose the anti-periodic tractions. I believe that Miehe 
> also discusses this in that paper that I listed above.
> Anyway, maybe this doesn’t give you exactly the answer that you were 
> looking for, but maybe it’ll give you some other ideas on how you want to 
> go about approaching the problem. And, as I said, if you do want a set of 
> functions to (with some small restrictions) implement (1) then I’d be happy 
> to share.
> Best,
> Jean-Paul
> On 10 Feb 2020, at 11:55, 'Lukas Schöller' via deal.II User Group <
> dea...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have thought about the problem again and now I have a solution proposal:
>       [[ u_i ]] = 0,
> would I fulfill by adding entries in the constraint matrix.
> E.g. u_i = u_j for each DoF pair on the boundary. I just have to figure 
> out the DoF indices i and j.
> The average overall stress state, I want also archive with the constraint 
> matrix:
> For the first DoF of the periodic boundary pair I would add  a constrain 
> like
>       u_1 = A_1i u_i + A_1j u_j + ... + A_1N u_N + S_kl N_l
>       u_1 = sum_i^N ( A_1i u_i ) + S_k N_l
> with i=2..N (all DoF indices on the periodic boundary), the prescribed 
> stress tensor S and a global normal vector of the boundary N.
> And the coefficients are the the calculated by
>       A_ij = C_ijkl sym(u_k,l) n_j  Jwxq
> on the corresponding faces by iterating in standard fashion over all 
> cells/faces and evaluating the terms with via FEFaceValues.
> [[ t_i n_i ]] = 0 should thereby be indirectly satisfied.
> But I'm not sure if the evaluating the coefficients in such a manner, 
> leads in the end to the wanted behavior of the system (stress fluctuations 
> on the boundaries but an average prescribed stress tensor).
> Is it a good idea to include coefficients in the constraint matrix that 
> depends on some shape function. I thought those belonged in the system 
> matrix.
> Can this still work?
> Another issue is how to make this concept work in a parallel context: 
> Which process must know about which DoF?
> Regards,
> Lukas Schöller
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