Dear all,

I am trying to modify my program in a way such that certain quantities are 
only updated if the underlying triangulation object changes during runtime 
(due to adaptivity). I want to call a specific member function of my Main 
Class 'Solid' if this happens. (Solid is the class which calls the typical 
functions like make_grid(), system_setup(),...)
The Triangulation<dim,spacedim> class offers a interface to the 
boost::signals2 library. I guess that is predestinated for my purpose. 

Here is a snippet of my code:

//constructor of 'Solid'
pointer_M = boost::make_shared<AnotherClass<dim>>(/*constructor of 
boost::signals2::connection tria_signal = 
*AnotherClass<dim>::mark_for_update*,  pointer_M .get()).track( pointer_M ) 

So the constructor of Solid initializes "pointer_M" which points to an 
object of "AnotherClass". The variable "tria_signal" in the line below is 
the one which causes the call of the member function &
*AnotherClass<dim>::mark_for_update. *
The above code compiles and actually calls *mark_for_update*  from 
*AnotherClass<dim>* . 

But what I'd like to achieve is that the signal triggers a member function 
of 'Solid', i.e. something like &*Solid<dim>::call_this_function. *So a 
naive approach is to simply replace &*AnotherClass<dim>::mark_for_update*  
by &*Solid<dim>::call_this_function* . (Both functions take no parameters 
and return void).
Unfortunately this change produces two error messages. 
(i) error: pointer to member type ‘void (Solid<2>::)()’ incompatible with 
object type ‘AnotherClass<2>’
(ii) error: return-statement with a value, in function returning 'void' 

My understanding of the error message is that only member functions of 
'AnotherClass' can be connected to the signal. 
Is this true? 
And can I modify the parameters of the connect function somehow to actually 
connect a member function of Solid?

As always, any input is appreciated! :-)



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