Dec. 11


Mexico abolishes death penalty

Mexico has outlawed its long-dormant death penalty, setting itself apart
from its northern neighbour - the United States.

President Vicente Fox announced the decree, based on a constitutional
change approved by the Mexican Senate in a 79-2 vote last March.

'Through the reform of our constitution, the ultimate penalty has been
stricken from our laws,' Fox said Friday.

Mexico last executed a prisoner in 1961, but Mexico and the U.S. have
clashed repeatedly over the years over Mexicans sentenced to die by U.S.

In 2002, Fox cancelled a visit to U.S. President George W. Bush's ranch in
Crawford, Texas, after Texas executed a Mexican convicted of fatally
shooting a police officer.

Fox argued that the Javier Suarez Medina was denied access to Mexican
consular officials, which the U.S. was obligated to grant under an
international treaty.

(source: Deutsche Presse-Agentur)

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