13 December 2005

UA 323/04 (Originally issued 26 November 2004 and re-
issued 21 June 2005)
Fear of death sentence/Unfair Trial/Flogging

Abbas Majood Akanni (m)
Murtala Amao Oladele (m)
Abbas Azeez Oladuni (m)
Nurudeen Owoalade (m)
Nurudeen Sani (m)
Mohammed Abdulahi Yussuf (m)
Wahid Elebyte (m)
Ahmed Abbas Alabi (m)
Suliamon Olyfemi (m)
Mafiu Obadina (m)
Samiu Hamud Zuberu (m)
Kasim Afolabi Afolabi (m)
Abdullamim Shobayo (m)
- Nigerian nationals, aged 20-30

Twelve of the men named above reportedly had their
sentences increased from five years' imprisonment and
500 lashes to seven years' imprisonment and 700 lashes
on 30 November in a closed court. The flogging could be
carried out at any time. Suliamon Olyfemi remains at risk of

All 13 men have been sentenced in proceedings that fell
short of minimum international standards for fair trial. They
have not had access to legal or consular representatives or
adequate translation facilities throughout the trial

The 13 men were originally sentenced in November 2004.
They were among hundreds arrested in Jeddah in
September 2002 during a fight that resulted in the death of
a policeman. All the others were subsequently deported,
some after serving prison sentences and receiving corporal

On 10 August Amnesty International wrote to Nigeria's
Minister of Foreign Affairs seeking further information
about the status of the 13 men and asking what efforts the
Nigerian government had made to ensure that the rights of
its nationals abroad are protected. Amnesty International
received no response, but the Nigerian Consulate in
Jeddah is known to have raised the case of the 13 men
with the authorities.

At least 81 people have been executed in Saudi Arabia so
far this year; the true figure may be much higher. Almost
half of those executed were foreign nationals.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to
arrive as quickly as possible:
- recognizing the right and responsibility of the government
of Saudi Arabia to bring to justice those guilty of
recognizably criminal offences, but pointing out that
flogging is cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment
amounting to torture, and that the death penalty is the
ultimate violation of the right to life;
- urging them to ensure that Suliamon Olyfemi is not
executed, and the 12 other Nigerians are not flogged;
- seeking assurances that the 13 men will be given
immediate access to legal representation, consular
assistance, including adequate translation facilities, and
any medical treatment they may need;
- seeking assurances that any future proceedings against
the 13 will meet the minimum international standards for
fair trial;
- urging the Nigerian Minister of Foreign Affairs to
intervene on behalf of Suliamon Olyfemi and the other 12
men, and ensure that they are protected from the death
penalty and corporal punishment.

Minister of the Interior:
His Royal Highness Prince Naif bin 'Abdul 'Aziz
Minister of the Interior
Ministry of the Interior
P.O. Box 2933
Airport Road
Riyadh 11134
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Fax: 011 966 1 403 1185 (it may be difficult to get
through, please keep trying)
Salutation: Your Royal Highness

Minister of Foreign Affairs:
His Royal Highness Prince Saud al-Faisal bin 'Abdul
'Aziz Al-Saud,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Nasseriya Street
Riyadh 11124
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Fax: 011 966 1 403 0159 (it may be difficult to get
through, please keep trying)
Salutation: Your Royal Highness

Minister of Foreign Affairs:
His Excellency Oluyemi Adeniji
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Maputo Street, Zone 3, Wuse District
PMB 130
Abuja, Federal Capital Territory,
Salutation: Your Excellency

Ambassador Prince Bandar Bin Sultan
Embassy of Saudi Arabia
601 New Hampshire Ave. NW
Washington DC 20037
Fax: 1 202 944 3113
Email: i...@saudiembassy.net

Please send appeals immediately. Check with the
Colorado office between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm,
Mountain Time, weekdays only, if sending appeals
after January 24, 2006.

Amnesty International is a worldwide grassroots movement that
promotes and defends human rights.

This Urgent Action may be reposted if kept intact, including
contact information and stop action date (if applicable). Thank
you for your help with this appeal.

Urgent Action Network
Amnesty International USA
PO Box 1270
Nederland CO 80466-1270
Email: u...@aiusa.org
Phone: 303 258 1170
Fax:     303 258 7881


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