Nov. 3


Spurned fiancé hanged in Iran for murder

A man convicted of killing 3 relatives of the woman he wanted marry because they rejected his proposal was hanged on Thursday in Iran, the official IRNA news agency reported.

The man, identified by his initials ZK, was executed in the town of Nourabad in western Iran.

He was found guilty of killing the mother, brother and sister of the woman after they turned down his wedding offer around 2 months ago.

His hanging brings to 235 the number of executions in Iran so far this year, according to an AFP tally based on media and official reports.

Human Rights Watch counted 388 executions in Iran in 2010, while Amnesty International put the figure at 252, ranking the Islamic republic 2nd only to China in the number of people put to death last year.

Tehran says the death penalty is essential to maintain law and order, and that it is applied only after exhaustive judicial proceedings.

Murder, rape, armed robbery, drug trafficking and adultery are among the crimes punishable by death in Iran.

(source: News 24)


Campaign for abolition of death penalty

Political parties and human rights organisations, championing the cause of Eelam Tamils, will demand abolition of the death penalty and repealing death sentence against three assassins of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi at a one-day conference here on November 6.

Being organised under banner of Peoples' Movement against Genocide in Sri Lanka, it will be attended among others by Tamil National Movement leader P Nedumaran, MDMK General Secertary, Vaiko, CPI National Secretary and MP, D Raja and Arputham Ammal, mother of Perarivalan, one of the three awarded death sentence.

Convenor of the movement's state unit, Gana Kurinji told reporters here that the focus is to carry the message the world over and to draw the attention of all concerned, for immediate action on the matter.

Besides demand for abolition of death sentence, the convention would seek Internatioinal intervention to demand justice against 'war crimes' and alleged crimes against humanity committed against Tamils in Sri Lanka, she said.

The conference also would demand ensuring immediate relief, rehabilitation and resolution for the suffering Tamils in camps in the Island Nation, he said.

This would be taken up as a national campaign, focussing on strengthening the movement against death penalty and promoting self determination of the struggling people in South Asia, he said.

"The convention is significant, particularly in the backdrop of the ongoing debate and litigations following the rejection of the mercy petitions filed by the assassins, Peravivalan, Santhan and Murugan," Kurinji said.

(source: ZEE News)
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