Nov. 5


Eve-teasing: Chavan wants death penalty

Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan has said the state would demand for death penalty for those who killed 2 Mumbai youths for protesting against eve-teasing.

“We will demand death penalty for the heinous crime,” Chavan told reporters.

Meanwhile, 2 Mumbai youths, Keenan and Reuben, who died at the hands of goons for protesting against eve-teasing, may get speedy justice as the case would be taken up by the fast-track court.

“We have taken strict actions; all the 4 people who were involved have been apprehended, arrested. We have requested for a fast-track court,” Chavan said.

Friends of Keenan and Reuben and their family members are already fighting to ensure that the 2 ‘brave’ youths get justice.

A special page has been created on social-networking site Facebook named 'Justice For Keenan and Reuben' where people from all over the nation are being requested to join to protest against the incident.

Jitendra Rana, chief accused in the incident, and 3 others were arrested by the police on charges of murder.

The incident took place in Mumbai's Andheri area on Oct 20 when 2 youths, Reuben Fernandez (28) and Keenan Santos (25) were stabbed by a group of 4 people as they protested when the attackers were passing lewd comments to women.

On that night, Reuben, Keenan and 5 others, including 3 girls, had visited a bar for dinner and to watch cricket match on a giant screen that was arranged at the venue. As they stepped out of the bar and stood in front of a 'pan' shop, the incident took place.

When the attackers started to pass lewd comments targeting the girls in the group, the violence followed.

Keenan died the at the spot, while Reuben passed away on Monday.

Incidentally, no one came to save the victims on that night.

(source: India Blooms News Service)
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