July 22


50 prisoners have been hanged in Kerman during last 6 months

The judicial system has executed 50 people in Kerman from December last year till now.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), since the new government came to power in Iran the judicial system of the country has increased the secret executions in prisons and refuses Public announcement of the execution in the state run media.

Human Rights Activists in Iran has collected the names of those had been executed in the central prison of Kerman, since the beginning of this year and based on that date, 50 people were executed on charges of drugs transport and storage.

However, in that period of time government agencies published execution of just 4 people without giving their name but they did not release any details of other 46 people executions.

All the verdicts of the Revolutionary Court have been issued by judge Ahmad Ghorbani and persecutor, Farajollah Kargar.

According to the Annual Report on Human Rights Activists in Iran, half of all executions in Iran are running secretly and comparing to last year it has been doubled.

(source: Human Rights Activists News Agency)


Call on international community to work to revoke the death sentence of political prisoner Arzhang Davoodi

In a sham trial, the anti-human clerical regime has condemned to death political prisoner Mr. Arzhang Davoodi who has been in prison for past 11 years.

Mr. Davoodi, 61, from the city of Abadan and an engineer from University of Texas, was arrested in November 2003.

The judiciary of the mullahs condemned him to 11 years in prison, 74 lashes, and 5 years deprivation of social rights for founding the "Movement for Freedom of Iranians" and "Confederation of Iranian Students", writing a "manifest against the Islamic Republic system", and for insulting the clerical regime's leaders.

The henchmen of the clerical regime who are infuriated about the firm stances of this political prisoner against the mullahs' regime, tried him for a 3rd time in absentia in the Revolutionary Court of city of Karaj presided over by henchman Asef Hosseini and this time condemned him to death for "membership, support and effective activity in advancing the goals of People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran *PMOI/MEK) in prison". This sentence was also conveyed to his lawyer yesterday, July 20.

In the past 11 years, Mr. Arzhang Davoodi has been transferred from one prison to the next and exposed to all kinds of tortures and harassments.

He has numerously gone on hunger strike and has been held incommunicado for a long time. He is currently in a prison in city of Bandar-Abbas.

Condemning a political prisoner for political activities inside the prison is a new level of oppression and tyranny that only the fascists ruling Iran are capable of.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Human Rights Council, relevant international bodies, and organizations defending human rights throughout the world to condemn the criminal execution sentence of Mr. Arzhang Davoodi and to work to have this sentence revoked.

(source: Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran)


North Korea executed at least 17 people last year

North Korea carried out at least 17 executions last year and several others in the 1st half of 2014, a global human rights group against death penalty said.

In its latest report, Hands Off Cain, headquartered in Italy, said all the known executions in North Korea in 2013 were conducted by firing squad. In the first 6 months of this year, at least 6 people were executed by firing squad, it added.

The group pointed out the reclusive communist nation, like a number of other countries, do not issue official statistics on the practice of the death penalty.

"Therefore the number of executions may, in fact, be much higher," it said.

Hands Off Cain added its data on North Korea were compiled based on media reports. Last December, North Korea's state media said Jang Song-thaek, once a powerful uncle of leader Kim Jong-un, was executed on charges of anti-state activities.

North Korea reduced the number of executions in the 2000s apparently due to international pressure, but the figure has been rising again in recent years, Elisabetta Zamparutti, an official at Hands Off Cain, was quoted as saying by the Voice of America.

The North's young leader Kim Jong-un, who took over power in 2011, appears to be using death penalty as a tool to solidify his power base, added Zamparutti.

(source: Korea Times)


Death penalty sought for Taipei Metro 'mass murder' suspect

New Taipei prosecutors on Monday indicted a man accused of killing 4 passengers on the Taipei Metro system in May and recommended that he be given the death penalty because of the brutality of the crime and the suspect's lack of remorse.

The suspect, 21-year-old university student Cheng Chieh, was charged with 4 counts of murder and 22 counts of attempted murder for his actions on a moving subway just before evening rush hour on May 21.

The indictment was handed down as Cheng's 2-month detainment period expired Monday.

In defending their request for the death penalty, prosecutors described Cheng's behavior in the indictment as "mass murder," and said the incident caused collective panic across society and made people feel the need to be on guard when taking public transportation.

They also said his action had spawned several potential copycats threatening to kill people on public buses or the subway system.

A thorough assessment of Cheng conducted by National Taiwan University Hospital concluded that Cheng had no mental disorders or deficiencies, meaning he is not eligible under Article 19 of Taiwan's Criminal Code to avoid punishment for the offense or have the sentence reduced because of mental incompetency, prosecutors said.

In their 8,000-word indictment, prosecutors also focused on the brutality and cruelty of the stabbings, saying that the surveillance footage showed a "scene from hell."

Cheng was seen repeatedly stabbing his victims and even toying with them without showing the slightest sliver of humanity, and he even admitted during his mental evaluation that he felt pleased to have the fate of the passengers in his hands, prosecutors said.

Even if he felt tired in the station, he had hoped to find a place to rest before killing again, prosecutors said.

According to the indictment, the attacks were premeditated rather than done on a whim and Cheng deliberately chose the subway line on which the attacks occurred to bring about the most casualties possible.

He was determined to carry out his vow to kill people because failure to do so would have negated his being, prosecutors said, and the brutality of the attacks showed the suspect's dangerous nature.

Also, Cheng has shown no remorse since being detained and has not apologized to the victims or the families of his victims, leaving prosecutors no alternative but to ask for the death penalty for his heinous acts, prosecutors argued in the indictment.

The prosecutors also explained in detail the suspect's motives, saying his problems may have started in elementary school when he had disputes with female classmates that hurt him and led him to vow to kill for revenge.

They described Cheng as being "indifferent to social conventions, self-centered, antisocial and narcissistic," epitomized by his lack of empathy for others.

Facing strict discipline in junior high school, he had a clash with his teacher, and pocketed a knife for a month looking for an opportunity to stab him.

Because of his inability to gain acceptance among mainstream groups at school, he gradually developed a sense of nihilism, feeling it difficult to deal with life, prosecutors said.

Despite his problems, Cheng lived up to the academic expectations of his family and teachers and made it into a senior high school in New Taipei.

Starting in his 1st year, he penned essays on his blog explaining why he formed the pledge to kill and posted articles with killing as the main theme.

To fulfill his commitment to kill, which had grown stronger, Cheng enrolled in the Chung Cheng Institute of Technology in 2011 because he wanted to receive military training there.

But the school kicked him out in 2013 because he failed academically and physically, dealing him a severe blow that deepened his pain, made him more inclined to think life was meaningless, and spurred him to act earlier rather than later on his killing pledge.

Complying with his parents' wish, he transferred to Tunghai University the same year, but he continued to flounder academically.

Compounding the problem was that one of Cheng's senior high classmates brought Cheng's articles to the attention of a school counselor, who forwarded them to the university.

The university put him under investigation and was on the verge of expelling him.

The pressure of the investigation, his poor academic performance, his imminent dismissal and his long-term suicidal and nihilistic ideas prompted him to move up his killing plan to the eve of his expulsion, prosecutors said.

(source: Focus Taiwan News Channel)


Prosecutors close probe into TRTC in MRT stabbing case

The New Taipei District Prosecutor's Office (NTDPO) yesterday closed their ongoing investigation into the Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation (TRTC), finding no incriminating evidence on the corporation in the Taipei Metro stabbing case.

The NTDPO is in charge of prosecuting the MRT stabbing case and indicted Cheng Chieh yesterday on charges of murder and attempted murder, asking the court to impose the death penalty if Cheng is found guilty.

After families of the stabbing victims filed claims against the TRTC and the Rapid Transit Division of the Taipei City Police Department, as well as the TRTC's Industrial Safety Division section manager Lin Hsien-liang, Train Operations Division Control Center chief operator Yang Tsung-che, MRT Jiangzicui Station station master Feng Yi-chang and metro train operator Lin Ming-hsien, the NTDPO also conducted investigations centering on the to be sued parties as part of the stabbing incident probe.

Following investigations, the NTDPO found no incriminating evidence that would hold the TRTC and the Rapid Transit Police accountable, which prompted the NTDPO to close the cases on the company and the police division.

The NTDPO also ruled not to prosecute the four individuals, freeing them of the charges of negligent homicide, negligence resulting in bodily harm and disaster as a result of occupational negligence from civil servants.

The TRTC released a statement saying that it respects the investigation results of the NTDPO, and made no further comments on the matter.

Victims' Families Unsatisfied with Assailant's Family, TRTC

Following the NTDPO's official indictment and death penalty request, the majority of the families of Cheng's victims stated that they are unsatisfied with the assailant's family and the TRTC.

The families stated that Cheng's family has yet to apologize to the families of the victims, and hasn't so much as made one phone call. The husband of victim Pan Pi-chu said that even if Cheng was to receive ten thousand death sentences, it still wouldn't suffice.

The mother of victim Chang Cheng-han told local press that death penalties will not bring back her son, and that the family is not happy with the lack of responsibility from the TRTC.

Chang's mother said that her husband had been suppressing his emotions to the point where he had to undergo gallstone removal surgery following her son's funeral, which was the last time she saw or heard from the TRTC.


Cheng indicted for Taipei Metro stabbings

MRT stabbing suspect Cheng Chieh yesterday was indicted by the New Taipei District Prosecutors Office (NTDPO) on 4 counts of murder and 22 counts of attempted murder, with prosecutors also asking the court to levy the death penalty on Cheng for the crime.

On the afternoon of May 21 the 21-year-old suspect boarded a Taipei MRT train at Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall Station heading in the direction of Yongning Station. At 4:24 p.m., while the train was driving from Longshan Temple Station to the Jiangzicui Station - the longest ride on the entire Taipei metro system - Cheng allegedly took out a 30-centimeter-long knife and started to randomly stab victims, the NTDPO said.

This stabbing spree was the 1st of its kind on Taipei's MRT system since it began operating in 1996. During the 4-minute ride, Cheng allegedly attacked and stabbed victims in the 4th, 5th and 6th compartments of the train, leading to 4 deaths and 22 injuries, prosecutors said. The suspect has been detained since the incident took place.

Psychiatric Tests

During a press conference yesterday morning, the NTDPO said in order to further interpret Cheng's motives, the prosecutors sent Cheng to National Taiwan University Hospital to undergo a series of psychiatric evaluations.

New Taipei prosecutors said that based on Cheng's psychiatric evaluation, he is not insane or feeble-minded, however, the evaluation described Cheng an "anti-social, narcissist, apathetic and suicidal" person. The psychiatric evaluation indicates that Cheng is fit to stand trial, the prosecutors added.

According to the investigation, the prosecutors discovered that Cheng allegedly made a vow to murder people when he was in elementary school and had a dispute with 2 female classmates.

Prosecutors further said that as Cheng deemed it would be hard to kill the two classmates, he allegedly decided to randomly attack people on an MRT train to fulfill his childhood vow.

New Taipei prosecutors said they also discovered that Cheng had written over 10 short stories about murders on his laptop, noting that one of the stories included a scenario whereby the killings took place on an MRT train. Prosecutors said, however, that the plot of the short story does not have a direct relation to the MRT stabbing incident.

In the indictment, the prosecutors characterized the incident as a "mass killing" that was "heinous and appalling." Prosecutors said that Cheng caused permanent trauma to the victims and their families and showed no remorse for what he had done, noting that, because of this, the prosecutors asked the district court to give Cheng the death penalty if found guilty.

Families' Responses

New Taipei City Councilor Lin Kuo-chun, who had released a press statement on behalf of Cheng's parents in May, yesterday quoted Cheng's father as saying that his parents have already expected that their son would face the death penalty for the incident.

Chang Su-mi, mother of one of the deceased victims, yesterday responded to the NTDPO's indictment, saying that even if the prosecutors had asked to issue 100 death penalties to Cheng, it would not bring her son back to her.

Chang said her heart aches whenever people mention the MRT stabbing incident, noting that outsiders can never really understand the pain and suffering of the families of the victims.

(source for both: China Post)


Ex-Chinese policeman executed for shooting pregnant woman

A former policeman was executed Tuesday for shooting a pregnant woman in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Xinhua reported.

Hu Ping, formerly of the public security bureau of Pingnan County, was drunk when he shot the woman and her husband, who ran a rice noodle restaurant, Oct 28, 2013.

The husband, Cai Shiyong, sustained minor injuries in his right shoulder. His wife, Wu Ying, and their unborn child died after being shot twice.

Hu was sentenced to death for intentional homicide in February by Guigang Intermediate People's Court.

He appealed, but the Higher People's Court of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region upheld the verdict in April and the death penalty was approved by the Supreme People's Court.

Hu's crime caused an "abominable influence on society", said the court.

The rulings in the 1st and 2nd trials were based on "clear facts" and "valid and adequate evidence" and "the conviction was accurate and then penalty proper", it said.

(source: Zee News)


Man sentenced to death for near beheading case

A man who murdered another man by nearly beheading him for bumping his shoulder has been sentenced to death by East District Court. East District Court's deputy judge (4) made the ruling at 1 pm on July 22 after both sides submitted their closing arguments.

Although the defendant Chit Po (age 22) testified that he did not kill the man with intention, the testimonies given by plaintiff's witnesses, the dead man's injuries, and the knife confiscated for evidence clearly show that the crime has been committed. Besides, Chit Po had enough time to think whether or not he should kill the man, but he went back home after the man fell down and came back half an hour later to hack him continuously. According to Section 302 (1) (b) of the Penal Code, it is clear that he committed the crime so he has been given a death sentence. Currently, the country is moving towards a democracy path so rule of law is important. As the local residents felt distressed over this incident, this ruling has been made, the judge said during the ruling.

However, the death penalty needs to be confirmed by the Supreme Court and the defendant can file for appeal to the Supreme Court within 7 days, according to the judge.

After the ruling, Chit Po asked for permission to a 30-minute meeting with his family and his family members said they will file for appeal on his behalf.

On March 15, Chit Po, who resided in 12th Ward in Yankin Township, bumped his shoulder with Myo Min Oo on Myittar Yeikthar Road and got into a fight with him. He hit Myo Min Oo with an alcohol glass bottle and stabbed him in the chest with the broken glass. Then, he hacked the man's head several times until he was nearly beheaded, according to testimonies given at the trial.

Nearly 5,000 residents of Yankin Township staged a protest two weeks later to condemn the murder and called for the authorities to give the severest penalty to the alleged killer.

When he was 16, Chit Po was sentenced to prison for stabbing a 9th Standard student to death on Moe Kaung Road in Yankin Township, according to police records.

(source: elevenmyanmar.com)

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