On Thu, 29 Jan 2004 22:02:11 +0100 (CET)
Hartmut Pilch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sed

> > auch empfehlenswert, wenn auch schon älter (aber imho sehr
> > passend):
> > http://www.fourmilab.ch/documents/digital-imprimatur/
> Hier passendes Zitat:
>   The advent of true accountability on the Internet will make
>   mass Internet junk mail a thing of the past.

Ich habe da auch eines:
(im Vorwort zu finden)

One note as to the style of this document: as in my earlier
Unicard paper, I will present many of the arguments using the
same catch phrases, facile reasoning, and short-circuits to
considered judgment which proponents of these schemes will
undoubtedly use to peddle them to policy makers and the public. I
use this language solely to demonstrate how compelling the
arguments can be made for each individual piece of the puzzle as
it is put in place, without ever revealing the ultimate picture.
As with Unicard, I will doubtless be attacked by prognathous
pithecanthropoid knuckle-typers who snatch sentences out of
context. So be it.

(ich glaube, wenn dieser Text bei TP erscheint, sollte man vor
jeden Teil diesen Abschnitt schreiben...)


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