Chan and everyone,

Again *please* do not use the debating-society mailing list for these discussions. If you want to take stuff up with people, please just use their addresses. Most people on the mailing list just want to hear about the dates of the debates, and not your views on China, Politics, Pop-Music etc.

Thank you.


----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Stephen Donovan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Georgi Sabev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <>
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 12:45 PM
Subject: Re: China: Child Slavery

Hi all,

I am the ex-member of the debating team and I am still in the mailing list.
In fact, I am a Chinese. I find that the comment you send to other members
are bias and full of prejudice. I am not defending my country of origin,
but at the same time, I feel really offensive about you say that 'Tibet
should soon be allowed to retain its cultural distinctiveness and those
people beaten, tortured and killed are part of the "big show."

I would like to ask, did you ever visit China or even Tibet? all the
information you get are second handed and not your own experience.

For your comment, you said that 'Chinese media is state-controlled, so it's
not actually that the state is only responding because of the scandal and
public outcry.' Since last couple of weeks, I have exactly the feeling that
meida is the west are so bias, with the name of freedom of speech, and
claims the the protest in Tibet are peacefully. That exactly the opposite.
Tibatan monks and people attacked police offices, government buildings and
killing others, Han chinese. How can BBC, CNN and most of the media in the
West never showed or even mentioned it had happened.  When the immigrants
riots happened in Paris suburb, French police also sent in and controlled.
I don't understand why the western media are so double standard. What I see
is that the western media are totally controlled by the public for what
they want to see and not the truth.

Besides, I want to ask, did any of you ever read the Tibetan history? what
do you mean 'Tibet should soon be allowed to retain its cultural
distinctiveness?' Slavery that exactly the traditional Tibetan culture.
Monks have the highest powers; political, economical, social and religious.
For what I know, there is no big difference the middle ages in Europe in
which the Pope and the church had the highest power, and everyone should
obey and under the church. Is that the Tibetan should retain? Besides, a
girl as young as 14, has to marry to someone she never meet, an arranged
marriage by her parents, marry also to his brothers? You can find this
documentary film from BBC world.

Going back to the debate topic: China: child slavery. I won't deny that
many young people or even kids need to work.  Child workers do exist in
many parts of China. I am against Child labour and slavery. I respect and
cherish human rights. But what choice do they have if they don't go to
work? Please remember education is not free in China, if your parents have
no money, you need to work. There's no social security or social services,
no money means no food. If they don't go to work, they end up in the
streets as beggers ,street gangs or even die of hunger. In this I do hope
that we should not put the enthnocentric idea, mostly western idea of
rights, into other countries.

I came from a poor family, since I was a kid, I needed to help my mom to
worked in the factory. For a westerner, you see that it was child slavery.
But for myself, I want more money to my famly, so that we can have a decent
meal. If I had to choose to be a prositute or to work, I would worked.
People in the West should know that how lucky they are, don't need to work,
just play when they are young. People living i the West should not just
critized without thinking the reason why it is happended.

Best regards,
Chan :-)

Lainaus Stephen Donovan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

  Yeah, China tries to promote its own atrocities and scandals.  Case in
point: China views the worldwide protests of the Olympic flame as a way
get higher ratings for its Olympic telecasts.


Quoting Ami Ganguli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Do note from the article, though, that this isn't legal in China, and
> there is an effort to control it.
> Note that Chinese media is state-controlled, so it's not actually that
> the state is only responding because of the scandal and public outcry.
>  The state actually creates the public outcry by putting this stuff on
> T.V., and then makes a big show of shutting it down.
> ... Ami.
> On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 12:27 AM, Georgi Sabev
> wrote:
> > Dear co-debaters and co-"debatresses" (I hope you don't mind me
> you
> >  here, Anna :)),
> >
> >  A couple of weeks ago we had a debate about China, and then I
> an
> >  example of child slavery in contemporary China. As I was asked to
> send
> >  proofs to the disbelievers, I am doing that now.
> >  Check out:
> >
> >  And if you don't believe the written text, enjoy Chopin's Nocturne
> see
> >  what the author is talking about, but this time in a short(4-min
> clip:
> >
> >
> >  Mhm... it really takes place... unfortunately!
> >
> >  Regards,
> >  Georgi
> >

In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary

~George Orwell

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