On Mon, May 07, 2007 at 07:29:04PM -0500, David Moreno Garza wrote:
>Aníbal Monsalve Salazar:
>>More (and up-to-date) information is available at [0].
>>[0] https://debconf7.debconf.org/wiki/Keysigning
>After reading the website explanation, I think I don't get completely
>how the mechanics for this is going to happen.
>By the default directions on keysigning, there will be five groups among
>the members; each of the members will belong to one of the groups. Then,
>the groups themselves have to coordinate to meet and keysign. Is that

Yes, that's correct.

>What I find awkward about this method is that, by default, keysigning
>among all DebConf attendees will not be made, but exclusively to the
>people in your group, right?

The goal is to try to get people to sign keys within their
corresponding group, if they wish to do so. However, there is
nothing that will prevent people to sign keys not in their group.

>How am I supposed to meet probable people that I haven't met before and
>cannot recognize. How is people supposed to sign with people on
>different groups? What about people wanting to sign with everybody like
>most of the previos DebConfs?

The conference will be the ksp which will happen every time when two
or more people gather together to check IDs, key fingerprints and
hashes. This will make the process less tiring and will provide an
opportunity to socialize with other people. This is the reason we
are trying this new method.

I'll create a page with the keys in the DebConf7 keyring and with
pointers to photos in [1]. For those without a mugshot, I'll ask
them to provide a pointer to their photos if they agree with that.

[1] https://gallery.debconf.org/Mugshots

>Thanks for reading,
>David Moreno Garza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | http://www.damog.net/
> STAND BACK! I know regular expressions.

Best Regards,

Aníbal Monsalve Salazar

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