On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 12:27:29PM +0200, Didier Raboud wrote:
> Hi all, 
> I had registered the "Mobile UXes BoF" but couldn't get a slot for it. Now I 
> am considering to use the additional meeting room to hold it. But… I'm not 
> really confident in hosting this BoF (beside that I never attended nor led 
> one): many things have changed in the recent weeks (N9{,50} got presented, 
> …) and I could not keep the in contact with the recent MeeGo/Maemo 
> developements.
> So my question is: do some people have an interest in holding a BoF about 
> Mobile UXes ? (Even only to share impressions, knowledge and eventual 
> plans.)

I'd be interested. 

I've been starting to play with the N950, but the SDK is giving me some 
headaches so far.

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