
For DebConf12 we're going to have two primary hotels; Seminole and Brandt.
Both hotels are near the UCA venue and ~3 blocks from each other. Please
check the map at our website for distances and directions:

> People arriving from the 1st-6th July are staying at the Seminole Hotel
> People arriving on or after 7th July are staying at the Brandt Los Robles
de San Juan Hotel

Please note that 'Brandt Los Robles de San Juan' and 'Brandt Colonial Los
Robles' are two different hotels (marked as Brandt's I (#10) and Brandt's
II (#7) on the map). They have the same owner, but are ~1km apart.

Additional information on the hotels can be found in our wiki page:

As for the transportation from the airport to the hotel, Seminole/Brandt
are providing free shuttle service for all attendees. Please make sure to
mark the 'Shuttle service' column on the arrivals wiki page if you want to
use that service: http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf12/Arrivals

We'll probably also have shuttle service for the departures, but that can
be arranged on site.

If you have additional questions, please reply to this thread or drop by
IRC and ask your friendly organizing team.

Have a nice flight and see you in Managua in a couple of days!

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