* Chris Lamb [Sat Sep 08, 2018 at 11:11:39AM +0100]:

> I noticed yesterday [0] that the PyCascades conference [1] explicitly
> does not permit any questions and answers after a presentation.

> Finding this intriguing, I followed up to ask for more information and
> was given the following reply:

>   No live Q&A after talks makes it a more friendly environment for
>   first time and new speakers. @ericholscher has written about this and
>   explained it better than I can in a tweet :)  [link removed]

>     -- https://twitter.com/mariatta/status/1038110484673622016

I've seen this e.g. also for the Deconstruct conference, via
https://twitter.com/garybernhardt/status/992213867773083648 ->

| Dear meetup organisers:
| Please ditch the Q&A
| 1. It puts the speaker on the spot for something they can't prepare for
| 2. There are rarely good questions
| 3. Mansplaining

   -- https://twitter.com/claireinez/status/991674423118893056

Or to quote Gary, from

| who in hell called it conference talk Q&A and not an open mic pedantry slam


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