Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana dijo [Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 11:32:57AM -0300]:
> > I too started off as an absolutely terrified public speaker, and the
> > Q&As were especially nerve racking. I should note that DebConf in
> > particular was especially intimidating, not due to anything related to
> > the format of the conference but to how knowledgeable (and opinionated)
> > the average attendee is. I think one way we could overcome this is by
> > having some tips for first time speakers, or an optional orientation
> > session at the conference for new speakers. For example, the tips could
> > include some of the things mentioned here already, like how you can
> > speak for the entire time so there's none left for questions (while
> > stressing that it's important to practice your talk so that you have
> > confidence about its length), ways to handle questions that are not
> > really questions but comments, how to handle it if you don't understand
> > the question because you don't understand the accent of the asker, etc.
> > 
> > I also have found it really helpful when conferences train session
> > volunteers to not just manage the microphone and make sure the video is
> > running but to actually moderate Q&A, shutting down pedantic commentary
> > and helping to focus on respectful questions, setting the speaker up to
> > really share their knowledge in a lower stress way.
> I believe it's a good ideia write some kind of manual on the DC19
> website before the CfP.  Maybe after read that, someone that was not
> thinking to send a proposal, can feel motivated and send it.

Way too many years ago, a bright and gentle woman took care to address
new speakers at the beginning of DebConf. Although by 2006 I had
already been public-speaking for ~7 years, I have watched her talk
maybe a dozen times. Everybody should do the same. And, quite
probably, Meike's points should be brought again today to our
speakers, old and new - Be it by explicitly inviting her (she is an
Emeritus DD) or by having somebody adopt her talk.

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