On Fri, Nov 16, 2018 at 12:57 AM Norbert Preining <norb...@preining.info> wrote:
> Hi Per,
> thanks
> > Sounds great! I would say do and talk about things that you know
> > people are interested in, either as an audience or as presenters.
> Ahh, well that was obvious. Probably my question was wrong.
> I know how to organize (not only Mini-) Conferences.
> Maybe
>         What has to be done to be able to tag a meeting/conference
>         as Mini-DebConf (and reuse logos etc etc)?
> is the appropriate question ;-)

When I have organized Debian events earlier I have not asked for
permission to use logos. I follow common sense and whatever
relevant Debian guide lines I can find. In this case there are more
links that you can find through w.d.o/DebianEvents, e.g.:


I have not followed each list to the letter, nor included everything
in our previous events in Sweden. My reasoning has been that
it's better with something than nothing, in those contexts where
I've been. (The careful reader might comment that the above booth
requirements page advise against this in some sense.) The
motivation has been to have something that can bootstrap a
larger community.

There's also the debian-publicity list which I've been in contact
with regarding my own event questions and announcements.


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