On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 11:35:55PM +0900, Norbert Preining wrote:
> Dear all,
> during the DebConf in Taiwan I met and became friends with the founders
> of FOSSASIA, and we thought about organizing a Mini-DebConf in Singapore
> next year.
> Since it is the first time for us, we have no idea about the necessary
> procedures and what else is implied/expected/requested.
> Can someone give a short explanation what we would have to do to be able
> to declare it as a Mini-DebConf?

I think the answer to that is, simply, "make it an event that is meant
for Debian contributors". It doesn't have to focus on DD's *only*, but
if it's an event that wouldn't be interesting (or possible, or easy) for
a DD to attend, then it has no business calling itself a mini-debconf.

But there have been minidebconfs that were independently organised or
that were part of a larger event; there have been minidebconfs that were
two days (which seems to be most common, since that would be during a
weekend etc), but also one or three days; there have been minidebconfs
that managed to organize accomodation for guests (read,
"bring-your-own-mattress floor space") and there have been that didn't,
there have been minidebconfs where the video team attended and that had
live streams, and there have been examples where that didn't happen,
etc etc etc.

So IMHO, it's fine to do something and call it a "minidebconf", as long
as that one requirement -- that it would be interesting for any Debian
contributor to attend -- has been met.

To the thief who stole my anti-depressants: I hope you're happy

  -- seen somewhere on the Internet on a photo of a billboard

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