Hi all,

On 06/19/17 20:57, MENGUAL Jean-Philippe wrote:
> Actually I think he will not do the work for various reasons personal we
> saw on the irc. And now the dev process is active again, could someone
> handle this travial task? I could do, but anyway would need some review
> for upload. And I think ti worth testing the latest Orca as soos an
> possible, all the more as MATE 1.18 is about releasing.

Two questions:
- I don't know well how to test gnome-orca myself, shall I upload to
experimental first, such that people on this least can test first? Or
can people test in unstable well enough such that we can block migration
to testing in time if necessary?
- The documentation says that gnome-orca goes hand in hand with the same
version of Gnome. In Debian that is currently 3.22, does anybody believe
that to be an issue, or can gnome-orca in principle always be updated to
the latest version?


PS: preliminary version here:

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