moral leadership can be powerful all by itself.

On 8/24/17, Samuel Thibault <> wrote:
> Samuel Wales, on jeu. 24 août 2017 13:46:35 -0700, wrote:
>> practically everything in debian is an upstream issue, except e.g. pm,
>> installer, repo, right?
> Yes.
>> actually no -- policy is a debian issue.  :)  i'd like debian to be a
>> sort of moral leader if nothing else.  debian articulates a goal.  i'd
>> like accessibility to be part of that.
> Yes, but only for what Debian is supposed to act on. It's not supposed
> to modif software. Patching over issues is fine enough, provided that
> the patches are also sent upstream. But whole features of upstream
> software are not supposed to be developped within Debian.
> Samuel

The Kafka Pandemic: <>

The disease DOES progress. MANY people have died from it. And ANYBODY
can get it at any time.

"You’ve really gotta quit this and get moving, because this is murder
by neglect." ---

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