Hi, I guess but then I would have to go threw all of the screens to do
things like copy off files from my system I want something that is a
little more full featured then the Debian installation images and that has
tools to get work done.  I guess I could connect to my wireless network
then load the debs for what I needed but I would rather have a basic
console live disc that loads into ram when it boots so I can remove the
disc or USB stick for faster usage in the live system.  Nick Gawronski
On Sat, December 23, 2017 1:19 pm, ben wrote:
> Hello1
> On Sat, Dec 23, 2017 at 12:10:22PM -0800, Nick Gawronski wrote:
>> Hi, I was looking for a Debian live disc that is just for console use
>> for doing things like copying off files and installing a basic console
>> Debian
>> system using software speech.  I searched the Debian live project but
>> could not find just console images they all had a desktop on them which
>> I
>> don't need.
> Couldn't a regular netinstall image be used for this purpose?
> Ben Swiggett

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