I would think that from there, you can instead of installing the Debian desktop 
environment or xfce oh, you can strictly do a console-based install and have a 
console based system entirely. And as far as accessible boot, which I know that 
this topic is also been discussed, the only distribution that I've ever heard 
that has a talking boot menu, that says select hard drive, CD-ROM, Etc was back 
in open Susa 11.0. If you press f11 / F12 just after the power-on self-test 
completed, you got to talkin boot menu which said welcome to open Susa 11.0, at 
which point you either pressed up or down arrow, to cycle through which device 
you wanted the boot from Etc.
-------- Original message --------From: john doe <johndoe65...@mail.com> Date: 
6/1/19  03:04  (GMT-06:00) To: debian-accessibility@lists.debian.org Subject: 
Re: installing debian accessibility on a flashdrive On 5/31/2019 11:01 PM, Don 
Raikes wrote:> Hi,>>>> I haven't looked at debian accessibility in a long time. 
I am looking for a strictly console-based debian blend with console 
screenreaders and braille built-in.>>>> I need to be able to install the 
resulting distro onto a flash drive as a live system.>Grab an iso and install 
it.>>> Are there any instructions for accomplishing such a task?>Non that are 
related to accessibility, see below.>>In other words, there is no reason why 
accessibility would be an issue 

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