That should work then.  Maybe I can put a flash drive together and mail

On Sat, 1 Jun 2019, isfeldt wrote:

> Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2019 13:08:17
> From: isfeldt <>
> To: john doe <>,
> Subject: Re: installing debian accessibility on a flashdrive
> Resent-Date: Sat,  1 Jun 2019 17:08:41 +0000 (UTC)
> Resent-From:
> Maybe this is different than what I'm thinking of, if it is I apologize, but 
> I'm running Debian 9 as we speak, and I burned it to a USB thumb drive, the 
> ISO, I think I used the DD command, or another tool under Linux to do so, but 
> if I plug it in, upon boot up, I get a long beep! At which point I press s, 
> then enter, for speech. If I wait about 20 seconds it instructs me to please 
> type enter to use this soundboard. You have to do it kind of quick, otherwise 
> I think in my case because my system has two sound cards, it switches from 
> one to the other. But if I type in enter, and then actually hit the enter key 
> afterwards, a few minutes later the talking installer will come up which is 
> console-based.
> -------- Original message --------From: john doe <> 
> Date: 6/1/19  03:04  (GMT-06:00) To: 
> Subject: Re: installing debian accessibility on a flashdrive On 5/31/2019 
> 11:01 PM, Don Raikes wrote:> Hi,>>>> I haven't looked at debian accessibility 
> in a long time. I am looking for a strictly console-based debian blend with 
> console screenreaders and braille built-in.>>>> I need to be able to install 
> the resulting distro onto a flash drive as a live system.>Grab an iso and 
> install it.>>> Are there any instructions for accomplishing such a task?>Non 
> that are related to accessibility, see below.>>In other words, there is no 
> reason why accessibility would be an issue 
> here.
>  Doe


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