Maybe try speakertest| tee speakertest.log.
If that generates a log file and static over the speaker, examine the log
file since the sound card speakertest found ought to be listed near the
top of that log file.
amixer set Master 100% unmute may also help some.
If it does, make sure to run alsactl store or you'll loose that sound
volume the next time you boot.

On Sun, 15 Aug 2021, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:

> Hello,
> I tried to install the latest testing / bullseye weekly build and the
> results were the same as bullseysRC3,.
> The latest weekly detected my soundcard, but when it did, it didn't
> announce it in the accessible installation so a person could select it.
> When booting after installation it is IMPOSSIBLE to log in using your
> username.
> It is possible to log in to MATE using root and root password.
> My sys log for this is here:
> I left this message on the IRC for debian-boot and debian-a11y:
> Here is the syslog from the latest weekly build of Debian Testing, just
> like Bullseys RC3, the accessible installer recognizes my sound card, but
> it doesn't say "Press Enter Now" download here:
> So it still doesn't work.
> Best regards,
> David

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