On Sat, Jan 09, 1999 at 03:58:54PM +0100, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
> Previously Torsten Landschoff wrote:
> > I don't think so. They should not directly query the user but instead use a
> > layer in between.
> Can you come up with an example of why you would need this?

I don't know what Torsten had in mind, but I like the idea. With a
standardized way to ask questions in maintainer scripts[1], we could have
different and more powerful ways to actually ask the questions
(character-based as it is now, dialog-based, X-based, whatever) without
having to change all the mainatainer scripts again and again.

For example, think of the possibility to offer a 'back'-button in an
X-based configuration dialog. For this, we would need some kind of
programming language that only *describes* the questions to be asked
instead of asking them itself (like the kernel configuration scripts, for
example), because in shell-scripts, it's difficult to do anything but a
linear series of questions. At least, this is my personal idea of how that
additional layer in between could look like.


[1] Not just sh's read or a replacement like dpkg-ask-stupid-question that
    gets called for every question
Martin Buck               E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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