My experience with the April 2020 Alpha iso

Booted fine, asked for me to load qlogic/1040.bin on removable media.
I downloaded the deb file for buster, exploded it and copied all the
bin files onto both a floppy and a USB stick. The AlphaServer 1200 has
a USB card in a PCI slot.
Put both the USB and the floppy into the Alpha
Said yes, look for files on removable media.
It did not seem to poll either the USB or the floppy (eg floppy light
never came on; USB LED was on but never flashed)
Then  I got the same screen about loading firmware from removable media.
Exited to shell.

# find /dev -iname "*usb*"
# find /dev -iname "*fd*"

There is no device (fd0) for the floppy in /dev.

# mountmedia

fails, complaining that /dev/fd0 does not exist
dmesg showed that Debian has noticed the USB PCI card and the memory
stick and read off the vendor and product IDs, but the volume was not
mounted anywhere.
lsusb is missing from busybox, but lspci shows the USB controller no worries.

# blkid -c /dev/null

shows no output at all
/dev/disk contains only by-path/ and the entry in here corresponds to
the CDROM drive the install disk is in, there are no other devices

I am happy to hear suggestions on how to get the firmware into the
installer. The lack of media makes it hard to capture the installer
output, dmesg output or anything like that. I can try if that is
likely to help.


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