On Tue, Nov 02, 2004 at 04:07:44PM -0500, Eric Sharkey wrote:
> > The i386 install had one major obstacle,
> Have you tried audio/ALSA?  (For a good test app, play a game of
> bumprace.)

bumprace, what's that? ;-)

I tested audio/alsa on the i386 install I think. But I connected only one
pair of speakers (builtin in the monitor) out of the possible 8(?). Worked
fine with saytime and k3b, but only for the user account that was setup
during the installation, but not for a user account that was added later
(all our regular user accounts are in nis, the user in question is in the
audio, cdrom, .. group, but access to /dev/mixer was denied. Our nis guru is
on business travel, maybe I did something wrong when I set up that account).

But I guess you are interested in amd64, I think I tested saytime there too.
Unfortunately I only set up this machine, I will not be using it. In a
couple of months I might get a new one myself, though. IIRC I got sound to
work on the other AMD64 box without problems. Unfortunately the user of that
system is deaf, so it wasn't too high priority...


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