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Title: The Debian GNU/Linux AMD64 HOW-TO

The Debian GNU/Linux AMD64 HOW-TO

Kevin M. Rosenberg

Nate Iverson

Goswin von Brederlow

Frederik Schueler

Hugo Mills

This manual is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.

This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

A copy of the GNU General Public License is available as /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL in the Debian GNU/Linux distribution or on the World Wide Web at the GNU web site. You can also obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.


The purpose of this document is to provide a convenient resource for developers of the AMD64 port of Debian GNU/Linux. Eventually, it may serve as a reference for end users with AMD64 systems. The AMD64 port was originally developed with AMD Opteron processors, but people are now using Athlon64, Athlon64 FX and Intel EM64T "Nocona" processors as well.

This version of the document has been nearly completely rewritten to be more comprehensive and to match once more with the current development direction of the debian-AMD64 port.

Last Modified: $Id: debian-amd64-howto.xml,v 1.44 2005/02/14 22:12:28 fschueler-guest Exp $


About the port

The debian "pure64" port for AMD64 and EM64T based systems is, as the name states, thoroughly 64bit.

This port is actually considered beta.

More than 97% of all source packages in unstable have been ported. Pure64 is installable using a pre-release of the Debian-Installer.

Which name: x86-64, x86_64, or AMD64?

This is confusing, because the name has changed over time. The initial name for the architecture was x86-64. However, around the time of the Opteron launch, AMD stated the name x86-64 ceased to exist and was replaced by the name AMD64. AMD acknowledge that the name x86_64 still exists and is what is reported by the 64-bit Linux kernel for this platform. In a message from AMD's Marc Miller [1], he recommends using the name AMD64 in places where i386 or i686 might be used and use x86_64 in places where x86 may be used.


The debian-amd64 project on Alioth is used to distribute all needed files and documentation concerning the port. The biarch and pure64 archives reside there, the latter till it becomes an official port and moves to the official archive on At present, you can find nearly all the files concerning the project here:

Getting help

there are two ways of getting help beyond this HOWTO:

Getting involved

Actually, the following three tasks are to be completed:

  • Test all packages and fix the broken ones.

  • Test, debug and fix the Debian Installer.

  • Finish porting the remaining 3% of source packages.

Installing Debian GNU/Linux for amd64

The Debian-Installer

Current daily-builds of the Debian-Installer for amd64 can be found at

The current netinst iso for amd64 can be found at

The Debian-Installer documentation for all architectures is to be found at; if you have trouble writing the iso images to cd-rw, see this url:

All general D-I bugs are tracked in the Bug Tracking System. There is a TODO for the D-I too - be sure to check these documents before reporting a known bug. The amd64 D-I might not be an official one, but it is based on the very same code, so most bugs you find are likely to be the same ones you would encounter using the linux-2.6 based installer for i386.

Keep in mind that the amd64 port is still not in the official archives, but the installer is already configured to work as if it was. Thus, you have to point it to alioth or a mirror when it comes to downloading packages: Choose http as protocol. Then scroll up to the first option, which will let you enter the information. Enter the host as "" or "" or "" or "" (see the mirror list for more). Enter the directory as "/pure64" on the next screen. Enter the proxy, if any, on the next screen. Choose unstable as the distribution. There are no stable or testing distributions available so far.

There are two more distributions of the amd64 port:

  • gcc-3.4, a thoroughly gcc-3.4 based Sid port.
  • Sarge, the testing - yet to become stable release. This distribution has the same versions of packages like official Sarge. It will be released as unofficial stable for amd64.

The Debian From Scratch CD

Debian From Scratch (DFS) i386 images provide amd64 kernels on the bootable ISO. Using these kernels and the tools contained on the CD, a DFS CD can install or repair a pure64 installation. DFS tools are available from

Installing into a chroot

Before you start

Before you start bootstrapping the pure64 port into a chroot, make sure you are already running a 64bit kernel, or boot from DI/DFS in order to accomplish the following steps.

You can download a pre-compiled, UP monolithic 2.6.6 kernel at (thanks to John Goerzen for this contribution). It can also be found on the DFS ISO.

Alternatively, you can go the hard way and cross-compile your own 64bit kernel. Please see the relevant section at the bottom of this document on how to accomplish this.

bootstrapping the chroot

The folloing procedure assumes that you want to create a chroot environment at a separate partition /dev/sda5 mounted as /mnt/hard, and that /pure64 sid packages are populated in it.

  • Make sure you are running a 64-bit kernel.

    	$ uname -m
  • Create a directory to install the pure64 chroot into. If you want the chroot partition to be bootable as well, format a spare partition or add a new hard disk for the root of your new pure64 install. Then mount it somewhere, like /mnt/hard.

    	# mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda5
    	# mkdir /mnt/hard
    	# mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/hard
  • you can use cdebootstrap(preferred approach) or debootstrap:

    	# cdebootstrap --arch amd64 sid /mnt/hard/ \


    	# debootstrap --arch amd64 sid /mnt/hard/ \

    You might want to use a mirror other than alioth; see the sources.list section below.

  • If you have decided to create a bootable chroot, you will need to
    	# cp /etc/hostname /etc/resolv.conf /etc/fstab /mnt/hard/etc/
    	# cp /etc/network/interfaces /mnt/hard/etc/network/
    and edit the fstab. Also edit /etc/modules to include a NIC module you will use.
  • Now you enter the new environment by running:
    	# mount -t proc proc /mnt/hard/proc
    	# chroot /mnt/hard /bin/bash
    and then
    	# base-config
    from within it.
  • If you want the partition to be bootable, install kernel and lilo:
    	# apt-get install kernel-image-2.6.10-10-amd64-k8 lilo
    Next, exit the chroot environment, and reboot:
    	# exit
    	# shutdown -r now
    to enjoy booting from a completely new partition.