On Thursday 01 September 2005 4:06 pm, Neil Gunton wrote:
> Thomas Steffen wrote:
> > On 9/1/05, Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>But if you want to build an intird with mkinitrd (or --initrd option of
> >>make-kpkg), the initrd needs devfs which has been dropped from
> >>kernel-2.6.13.
> >
> > I didn't know that initrd depends on it, but certainly the debian
> > installer needs devfs. So that means no recent kernels for the debian
> > installer, I guess? I certainly think that this is going to be a
> > problem for installing Sarge on modern machines, and an unnecessary
> > one too, because devfs was declared dead a long time ago.
> >
> > Thomas
> Sorry, I'm a bit confused (also new here, so please forgive my
> ignorance)... could someone please explain why on the one hand devfs has
> (apparently) been dropped, but on the other hand it appears to be required
> for installing with initrd on modern machines???
> What are we supposed to do instead? Is there reasoning behind this, or is
> it a mistake of some kind?

I am a bit confused myself.  I have been building and running initrd kernels 
for over a year now and have not been using devfs at all.  I have been 
running 2.6.13 from kernel.org since this past weekend.

John C. Martin - http://www.cs.utk.edu/~jomartin
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