just wondering, but do any of us here even *have* that much RAM?  I
count myself obscenely lucky to have 512 megs, much less a whole gig,
or 32!!!  the only boards that I know of that support that much memory
are multi-processor boards, anyways, made by Tyan.  Imagine a 4-CPU
board with 32 gigs or so of RAM decked out with four witheringly-fast
AMD dual-core Opteron 64s?  That's also many hundreds (perhaps
thousands) of times more than I can afford, but you've got to admit,
AMD does have poor little Intel beat by a rather impressive margin.

This also means, in a more on-topic point, that any linux OS that
could actually *use* the 32 gigs would need to be a
multi-cpu/multi-core distro, since there are no boards (to my
knowledge) that support a whole 32 gigs for *one* CPU.
=== GCB v3.1 ===
GCS d-(+) s+:- a? C+(++++) UL+++(++++) P L++(+++)
E- W+(+++) N++ w--- M>++ PS-- PE Y+ PGP- t++(+++) 5?
X? R !tv>-- b++>++++ DI+++>++++ D-- G !e h(*) !r x---
=== EGCB v3.1 ===

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