Have I missed something?  Hints, concrete RTFMs, STFW are welcome.


I don't know that I have much to add to this, but I do have a working
install.  From my apt sources.list, here's the CD I used:

# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux testing _Etch_ - Official Snapshot amd64
Binary-1 (20060314)]/ etch contrib main

The netinstall CD didn't work for me, but the one above got a basic
system installed just fine.  I had a working Etch system, then got
greedy and tried to get some stuff working and hosed it.  So I
reinstalled using the same CD above, got a minimal system running,
switched my dist to unstable, did the apt-get update && apt-get
dist-upgrade thing.  That got me a minimal unstable system and then it
was time for 'guess which gnome packages aren't broken' as the
placeholder package had some dependencies that weren't available.
apt-get install gdm nautilus metacity will get you a long way towards
a usable gnome desktop.  I can't recall all of the packages I

I have this box in a pretty good state now and am in the process of
loading all of my audio CDs on to it.  If I get my hands on another
AMD64 system, I'll take the time to write up what I did.  Should have
done it the last time, oh well.

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