Resent to say that before

#make install

I should delete the directory, recreate, and issue make from $. I am only 
worried about the warning below. Was that because I issued make from root?
I was too tired yesterday. Now tried. Perhaps mistakenly, I issued the ln -s 
from my home, then cd to the directory containing the sources, from where i 
issued make:

deb64:/home/francesco# ln - /usr/bin/gcc-4.1 /usr/local/bin/gcc
cd gmmx
deb64:/home/francesco/gmmx# make

whereby a large number of lines where shown consecutively, of the type

gcc -g -02 -c -o   utility.o  utility.c

where utility.c is a file owned francesco francesco (date when the tarball was 
unzipped and untared), present before make, and utility.o, owned root root 
(date when make was issued), was generated following the command.

the sequence ended with:

gcc -g  -o gmmx03 active.o angles.o attach.o column.o dolastat.o diagc.o

Then, after other lines of text

main.o: In function 'main':
/home/francesco/gmmx/main.c: 71: warning: the 'gets' function is dangerous and 
should not be used.
deb64: /home/francesco/gmmx#

where <gmmx03> is the name of the tarball.

I do not yet understand if something positive happened, but surely your 
suggestion has broken the ice. Thank you. (should you understand from the 
above description, please tell me)

francesco pietra

On Wednesday 07 June 2006 15:57, Matthias Julius wrote:
> Francesco Pietra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Wednesday 07 June 2006 00:05, Matthias Julius wrote:
> >> # ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-4.1 /usr/local/bin/gcc
> And did you try to create a gcc symlink?
> Matthias

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