On Mon, Jun 11, 2007 at 02:27:19AM -0400, Bharath Ramesh wrote:
> I have a server where I am using virtual network interfaces or aliased
> interfaces, eth0:x format to listen to multiples ips on the same nic. I
> will be running different sites with different services based on the ip
> address. I want different iptables policy for these ip/interfaces. It
> seems like iptables doesnt understand virtual network interfaces at all.
> I tried to search for a solution but couldnt find any. I was wondering
> if anyone of you had experiences with setting up iptables with virtual
> network interfaces.
I'm not sure why you marked this OT, since it is certainly on-topic,
assuming you are running it on Debian :-)

Just use shorewall.



Roberto C. Sánchez

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