On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 1:19 PM, Arno Töll <a...@debian.org> wrote:

> On 25.07.2013 13:16, Ondřej Surý wrote:
> > could you please rethink the idea of re-adding apache2.2-common with
> > version Breaks: on all reverse depends (with versions from wheezy, the
> > jessie can be handled by filling RC bugs case-by-case).
> Yes, we did not definitely decide on that. It is, however, not going to
> solve this bug in particular as the conffiles would have to move
> regardless from apache2.2-common to apache2 which is the root cause with
> --purge-unsued.


Package: apache2
Replaces: apache2.2-common (<< 2.4.0)
Breaks: apache2.2-common (<< 2.4.0)

Solve the problem?

E.g. from Debian policy manual 7.6.1:

If a package is completely replaced in this way, so that dpkg does not know
of any files it still contains, it is considered to have "disappeared". It
will be marked as not wanted on the system (selected for removal) and not
installed. Any conffiles details noted for the package will be ignored, as
they will have been taken over by the overwriting package. The package's
postrm script will be run with a special argument to allow the package to
do any final cleanup required. See Summary of ways maintainer scripts are
called, Section 6.5. [54]

Ondřej Surý <ond...@sury.org>

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